Terms & Conditions
1. Introduction
1.1. Welcome to 1saf.co.uk (“we/us”)
1.2. This page tells you the terms on which you may use our 1SAF Public Platform (1SAFPP),, whether delivered via the Website https://www.1saf.co.uk (“the Website”) and the software that is provided by https://www.wix.com/ (“1SAFPP Software”). https://www.wix.com/ is the company of choice the we have designed our website through, our terms and conditions do not bind them unless otherwise legally required to or under their policy (we refer you to the https://www.wix.com/ for their independent policies). Please read carefully before use. By using the 1SAFPP, you accept the terms and agree to obey them. If you don’t accept them, please don’t use the 1SAFPP.
2. Who We Are
2.1. The Website https://www.1saf.co.uk 1.S.A.F Ltd which is a UK limited company registered in England under company number 13247799.
3. Use of the Platform: General Terms
3.1. You have permission for temporary, non-exclusive use of the 1SAFPP we can withdraw or change our service at any time without telling you and without being legally responsible to you. We can also allow anyone else to use the 1SAFPP and the Services that we make available on the 1SAFPP.
3.2. You are not allowed to copy, modify, duplicate, create derivative works from, frame, mirror, republish, download, display, transmit, or distribute all or any part of the 1SAFPP or the 1SAFPP Software, and nor are you allowed to attempt to reverse compile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise reduce to human-perceivable form all or any part of the 1SAFPP Software.
3.3. You are also not allowed to license, sell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, display, disclose, or otherwise commercially exploit, or otherwise make the 1SAFPP and/or any documents/products/services on the site available to any third party other than those you have invited on to the 1SAFPP as customers/users, who have accepted these 1SAFPP Terms of Use.
3.4. You are responsible for configuring your own computer and software to access our 1SAFPP software and the material on 1SAFPP. Although we try to protect our 1SAFPP, we are not responsible for any viruses, bugs or similar problems and you should use your own virus protection software. We don’t give you any warranty that the way we deliver data to you is compatible with your software or with the way your computer is configured.
3.5. You must treat all identification codes, passwords and other security information as confidential. If we think you have failed to keep confidentiality, we are allowed to disable any security information (including your passwords and codes).
3.6. You agree to follow our Acceptable Use Policy.
3.7. If you allow anyone else to use 1SAFPP, you must make sure that they read these terms first, and that they follow them.
3.8. Only use 1SAFPP as allowed by law and these terms. If you don’t, we may suspend your usage, or stop it completely.
3.9. We frequently update 1SAFPP and make changes to it, but we don’t have to do this, and material on 1SAFPP may be out-of-date. Please note in particular that we do not store credit card details (other than storing them momentarily on the 1SAFPP and other 1.S.A.F Ltd owned/protected data storage facilities until they have been dispatched to our payments provider) and currently we do not share customer details with any third parties.
3.10. We follow our Privacy Policy in handling personal data about you. By using 1SAFPP, you agree to us handling this personal data and confirm that data you provide is accurate. (https://www.1saf.co.uk/privacy-policy)
3.11. We also use cookies. You can read information about cookies and how we use them in our Cookie Policy. (https://www.1saf.co.uk/copy-of-privacy-policy-1)
4. Service Section: Specific Terms
4.1. If you first pay the appropriate fee (shown on the 1SAFPP when you make your request/purchase/selection) you may:
4.1.1. buy and use a Service from the 1SAFPP in its current form;
4.1.2. store the service item on the 1SAFPP or own device if it is permitted by 1.S.A.F Ltd, permission will be confirmed upon an individual basis per service period provided, without confirmed permission it is not permitted;
4.1.3. store non-1.S.A.F Ltd data on the 1SAFPP once permitted by 1.S.A.F Ltd.
4.2. In this case, you are solely responsible for the appropriate use of the data/service/product that you purchase from us. In particular you agree that:
4.2.1. we are not giving you any legal, financial, tax or other advice;
4.2.2. we do not give you any assurance or guarantee that our data/service/product are suitable, sufficient or appropriate for the use to which you put them (whether they are unedited/unaltered, or edited/altered by you or anyone else);
4.2.3. we exclude all legal responsibility and costs for reliance placed by anyone on the 1SAFPP and on the 1.S.A.F Ltd data/service/products.
4.3. 1SAFPP will also act as a data/product/service provider within the remit of a third party to support other business and individuals to sell/advertise/distribute their own data/product/service.
4.3.1. in this case each business or individual that is permitted to feature on 1SAFPP must have adhere to 1SAFPP privacy policy, cookies policy and terms and conditions as a means to use our 1SAFPP. This may be terminated at any time prior to the agreed termination of third party services.
4.4. 1SAFPP services are not to be recorded (transcript, audio, visual) or any other means unless otherwise stated. The permission will be confirmed upon an individual basis should this be requested via email (onesteppod@gmail.com), without confirmed permission it is not permitted.
5. Intellectual Property Rights
5.1. We are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in the 1SAFPP (for example the copyright and any rights in the designs). The 1SAFPP in any of the material and documents hosted or posted on the 1SAFPP and in any and all databases related to the Platform. They are protected by copyright and you may only use any such material and the documents on these terms.
5.2. If you breach these terms, you lose your right to use our Platform, and must destroy or return any copies of documents you have made.
5.3. The 1SAFPP Software used to design our website is owned by WIX (https://www.wix.com/) and we refer you to their Terms and Conditions in regards to their Software. (https://www.wix.com/about/terms-of-use)
6. Our Legal Responsibility
6.1. Our Legal responsibility to you
6.1.1. We do not guarantee the accuracy of material on our 1SAFPP, and you are responsible for the use to which you put material, documents and data that you access on our Platform. As far as legally possible, we exclude legal responsibility for any loss to you arising from use of our 1SAFPP whether from tort, contract, negligence or otherwise (examples of such loss being: loss of income, profit, business, data, contracts, goodwill, savings, pure economic loss, indirect or consequential loss, costs, damages and expenses).
6.1.2. We also exclude, but only as far as legally possible, all terms and warranties or promises implied by law or by statutes.
6.1.3. Although we try to make the 1SAFPP available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, (except for planned maintenance and required unscheduled maintenance) we do not warrant that your use of the 1SAFPP and/or the WIX Software through the 1SAFPP will be uninterrupted or error-free; and we are not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, or any other loss or damage resulting from the transfer of data/items over communications networks and facilities, including the internet, and you acknowledge that the 1SAFPP may be subject to limitations, delays and other problems inherent in the use of such communications facilities.
6.1.4. We don’t exclude legal responsibility for death or personal injury owing to our negligence, or legal responsibility for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or for anything else where exclusion is not allowed by the law.
6.1.5. We will try to make sure that customer data is stored securely and backed-up. If we lose or damage it we will try to restore it, but if it is lost or damaged by a third party, we are not responsible to you unless they cause the loss or damage when working on it for us.
6.1.6. We will not provide our services for longer than the period that you have purchased them for.
6.1.7. You agree with us and also for the benefit of any Connected Person/Business that we alone will be legally responsible to you for matters arising from 1SAFPP document/service/item/product. No Connected Person will be personally responsible (i.e. legally liable) to you whether under the law of contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise.
6.1.8. You agree with us and also for the benefit of any Connected Person/Business that we will not be legally responsible to you for matters arising from Connected Person/Business (third party) document/service/item/product. The Connected Person/Business will be personally responsible (i.e. legally liable) to you according to the Connected Person/Business Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy.
6.1.9. 1.S.A.F Ltd will try to host third party services on our 1SAFPP that is exact or similar in notion to our Terms and Conditions.
6.1.10. You agree that any duty of care owed to you by us is a duty owed only to you. We do not owe a duty of care to any third party and assume no responsibility to any third party in respect of the performance of our duties to you. We are not liable for any failure to fulfil our obligations due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control.
6.1.11. You agree that the limitations on liability contained in this paragraph 7 are reasonable. You also agree that any limitations on liability in this paragraph 7 apply to you and also to any person or company associated with you.
7. Refund & Returns Policy
7.1. If you pay our fees for a document/service/item/product or promoted package and we do not make the document/service/item/product available to you, we will refund the fee.
7.2. If you pay our fees for a document/service/item/product or promoted package and it is not available to you beyond our reasonable control, we will not refund the fee.
7.3. If you pay our fees for on online document/service (excluding physical document/item/product) and it is not available to you beyond our reasonable control, with discretion we may offer a subsidiary in the form of 1SAFPP service vouchers only available for use within the 1SAFPP and the time limit stipulated on the voucher.
7.4. If you pay our fees for a document/item/product that is
7.5. If you pay our fees for an item/product that is distributed by a third party, the returns policy will be applicable to the third parties policy; namely Printful - https://www.printful.com/policies/returns.
8. Computer Offence
8.1. If you do anything which is a criminal offence under a law called the Computer Misuse Act 1990, your right to use the 1SAFPP will end straightaway. We will report you to the relevant authorities and give them your identity.
8.2. Examples of computer misuse include introducing viruses, worms, Trojans and other technologically harmful or damaging material. You are not allowed to do any of these things.
8.3. You mustn’t try to get access to our server or any connected database or make any ‘attack’ on the 1SAFPP. We won’t be legally responsible to you for any damage from viruses or other harmful material that you pick up via our 1SAFPP.
9. Confidentiality and Conflicts
9.1. We have the following confidentiality obligations to you:
9.1.1. We will treat all information you provide to us and about matters dealt with by us (other than information which is in the public domain) as confidential. We will not disclose any confidential information to any third party, except with your written consent or if necessary or customary in the normal performance of our services (e.g. passing it to other professionals or Connected Person/Business assisting us or you with your matter, unless you ask us not to) or if required or permitted by law or any regulatory authority to which we are subject.
9.1.2. We reserve the right to use external service providers for document reproduction or scanning as long as they are bound by appropriate obligations to maintain the confidentiality of the information.
9.1.3. Unless you instruct us otherwise in writing, we are entitled to state in promotional material and tender documents that we worked for you generally or on a particular matter or matters as long as we do not otherwise break our duty of confidentiality to you.
9.2. Your confidentiality obligations are:
9.2.1. You will treat all information we give you (other than information which is in the public domain) as confidential.
9.2.2. You will not disclose that confidential information to any other person, unless we have given our written consent or as required or permitted by law or any regulatory authority to which you are subject.
10. Complaints
10.1. We are committed to providing a high quality service. To maintain this commitment we operate a formal complaints procedure, a copy of which is available on request.
10.2. If you have any questions or a complaint about the service provided by us please contact us via the 1SAFPP Let’s Chat option on the lower right-hand of every page of 1SAFPP (https://www.1saf.co.uk). If the issue cannot be resolved to what 1.S.A.F Ltd considers as satisfactory in outcome, please contact us via our email onesteppod@gmail.com to make your complaint will assist you with your complaint.
10.3. We aim to respond to all initial complaints within 5 working days.
11. Changes
11.1. We may change these terms from time to time and you must check them for changes because they are binding on you.
12. Links to Our Platform
12.1. You are allowed to make a legal link to our 1SAFPP homepage from your website if the content on your website meets the standards of our Acceptable Use Policy. We can end this permission at any time.
12.2. You mustn’t suggest any endorsement by us or association with us unless we agree in writing via email (onesteppod@gmail.com).
13. Links from our Platform
13.1. Links from our 1SAFPP to other websites are for information only. We don’t control them and don’t accept responsibility for other websites or any materials found upon them or any loss you suffer from using them.
14. Trade Mark
14.1. “1.S.A.F Ltd” is our EU registered trade mark, and all rights in that trademark are reserved by us.
15. Law which applies to disputes
15.1. The English courts have the only right to hear and resolve claims related to our 1SAFPP, and all disputes are governed by English law. If any part of these terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms will continue in full force and effect.
Contact Us
Please email us at onesteppod@gmail.com to contact us about any issues.